Guatemala: State of siege


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Metadata Details

Guatemala: State of siege
Date - creation:
Leftist guerrillas have been active in Guatemala for-20 years. But what is now alarming conservatives is that the traditionally passive indians are joining the rebel ranks for the first time., political violence in Central America has spread since president Somoza was overthrown in Nicaragua last year, In Guatemala, terrorism on both the left and the right has polarized society, reaching the point where hopes for a peaceful and moderate solution are quickly disappearing.Estos archivos son recortes de periódico y documentos recopilados por Inforpress Centroamericana bajo el tema de Violencia en Guatemala. Toda la colección está ordenada cronológicamente y trata sobre los distintos tipos de violencia en Guatemala entre los años 1978 y 1981: la violencia política, la violencia generada durante el conflicto armado interno y la violencia común.
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Country of origin:
2 páginas
Condition of material:
parte 14 de 21 / Digitized photocopies of a story on Guatemala in the New York Times Magazine.
Nota: La noticia tiene fecha de agosto, pero en el sello tiene fecha .,El artículo pertenece a la noticas 4-13.,This is a duplicate of the previous set, but digitized from the original publication., includes image or photograph / incluye imagen o fotografía
The New York Times
Type of resource:
(Contributor) Alan Riding
Subject - Geographic coverage:
Escuintla, Guatemala
Subject - people:
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All intellectual property rights are retained by the legal copyright holders. The University of Texas does not hold the copyright to the content of this file.
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This electronic resource is made available by the University of Texas Libraries solely for the purposes of research, teaching and private study. Formal permission to reuse or republish this content must be obtained from the copyright holder.