The following collections have been contributed to LADI by a network of local and international post-custodial collaborators. Select a collection below to see the full list of its contents in LADI.

Inforpress Centroamericana was an enterprise established in 1972. Its primary objective was to analyze and present, in a professional journalistic style, economic, political, and social information of the Central American region. Inforpress used national and regional press and archival sources to achieve its objective. These sources were compiled and organized by Inforpress during ... Read more.
Categories: Clippings, Documents, Letters, Newspaper Clippings
Date Range: 1977 - 1981
Country of Origin: Guatemala
Languages: Spanish, English
Extent: 4606 objects
Partner Repository: Centro de Investigaciones Regionales de Mesoamérica

The Misión de Verificación de las Naciones Unidas en Guatemala (MINUGUA) was established as a result of the Global Agreement on Human Rights, signed by the Government of Guatemala and the Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteca (URNG), on March 29, 1994. However, on a more general level, MINUGUA had the mandate of verifying compliance with all signed agreements... Read more.
Categories: Photographs
Date Range: 1994 - 2004
Country of Origin: Guatemala
Languages: Spanish, English
Extent: 1434 objects
Partner Repository: Centro de Investigaciones Regionales de Mesoamérica

Embroidered textiles created by exiled Salvadoran women in shelters managed by the United Nations. Through their embroidery, the women communicated human rights violations to the world. Read more.
Categories: Embroidery
Date Range: 1980-1989
Country of Origin: El Salvador
Languages: Spanish
Extent: 32 objects
Partner Repository: Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen

Posters produced by insurgent groups, armed forces, and organizations in solidarity with El Salvador. Read more.
Categories: Posters, Political Posters
Date Range: 1978 - 2006
Country of Origin: El Salvador
Languages: Arabic, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
Extent: 394 objects
Partner Repository: Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen

Periodicals produced by Salvadoran insurgent groups. Read more.
Categories: Books, Clippings, Documents, Magazines, Newspapers, Pamphlets
Date Range: 1976 - 1992
Country of Origin: El Salvador
Languages: Spanish, English
Extent: 165 objects
Partner Repository: Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen

La Información was a newspaper that covered the general affairs of the Atlantic coast of Nicaragua and ran from the 14th of September of 1917 until ceasing its operations in 1981. The content in this newspaper featured a large swath of what are now historical events in Bluefields, Nicaragua, 1917-1981. Its reporting covered mainly local, as well as national and social news, sporting affairs ... Read more.
Categories: Newspapers
Date Range: 1920 - 1998
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Languages: Spanish, English
Extent: 892 objects
Partner Repository: BICU-CIDCA

The Fondo Real de Cholula, housed in the Archives of the Judicial Branch of the State of Puebla, comprises records of legal proceedings spanning from the 16th century to the beginning of the 20th century. A careful analysis of the Fondo Real de Cholula indicates that, together with the collection protected in the General Archive of Notaries of the State of Puebla, it forms the archive ... Read more.
Categories: Acts, Announcements, Appraisals, Asset Transfer Forms, Auctions, Census, Complaints, Contracts, Debt Collection, Debt Litigation, Deeds, Dowry Letters, Executor of Estate, Financial obligations, Grievance Litigation, Homicides, Indeterminable, Inventories, Invoices, Land allotments, Leases, Legal Appeals, Letters of Sale or Purchase, Licenses, Ordinances, Petitions, Power of Attorney Letters, Proclamations, Property Litigation, Property Transfers, Redistributions, Requests, Statements, Theft, Wage loss claims, Wills
Date Range: 1571 - 1840
Country of Origin: Mexico
Languages: Spanish, Nahuatl
Extent: 703 objects
Partner Repository: Archivo Judicial del Estado de Puebla

The Libros de Hijuelas (“deed books”) consist of 194 leather-bound volumes containing 46,045 fojas (folios). The physical books occupy 6.35 linear meters and in digital form present 92,090 images, given that the recto and verso pages of each folio are photographed. All the documents pertain to, or are precursors of, a centrally important historical process in Latin America: the privatization of ... Read more.
Categories: Deed books
Date Range: 1713 - 1941
Country of Origin: Mexico
Languages: Spanish
Extent: 194 objects
Partner Repository: Archivo General e Histórico del Poder Ejecutivo de Michoacán

The collection contains information on the organizational activities of black communities in Colombia claiming ethnic rights over territories from the late 1980s and the early 1990s until today. The collection contains materials on the following categories: Territory and Environment, Gender and Generation, Human Rights, Ethnic Education, Ethnic Development, Ethnic Legislation ... Read more.
Categories: Agendas, Books, Clippings, Magazines, Pamphlets, Photographs, Reports
Date Range: 1978 - 2019
Country of Origin: Colombia
Languages: Spanish
Extent: 458 objects
Partner Repository: Proceso de Comunidades Negras

“Quilombos do Vale do Ribeira SP/PR” is an archival collection that documents the history of the founding of MOAB/EAACONE, as well as the social and political organization of quilombola communities in the Ribeira Valley over the past thirty years. The organization of this collection took place in the context of the quilombola communities’ struggle for the guarantee of their territorial rights. Read more.
Categories: Books, Bound Books, Bulletins, Commission letters, Conference Resolutions, Documents, Dossiers, Legal Documents, Letters, Manuals, Meeting Minutes, Newspaper Clippings, Notes, Photographs, Publications, Reports, Statements
Date Range: 1955 1993
Country of Origin: Brazil
Languages: Portuguese
Extent: 128 objects
Partner Repository: Equipe de Articulação e Assessorias às Comunidades Negras do Vale do Ribeira